Under Construction Signs

These are animations concerning sites under construction. Which all good ones constantly are.

House being built from the ground up with under construction sign 23K
Under Construction sign with moving heavy equipment - by Denton 31K
Under construction sign with vibrating man with jack hammer - by Denton 31K
Animated JAVA icon with jackhammer 6K
Construction sign rotates to slow sign 4K
Construction sign with man moving up and down 1K
Black and yellow warning box around flashing words UNDER CONSTRUCTION - by Romar 3K
Construction sign with man digging 2K
Man blows up balloon saying Under Construction till it blows 101K
Cartoon man with Jackhammer bouncing around 6K
Moving paint brush changes color of word renovating 25K
Shadowed under constructions sign with flashing yellow lights 7K
3D button with octagonal construction sign with animated man 11K
Caution Web Paint sign with slight twist to letters 4K
Moving construction signs connected by static under construction bar 6K - by Rose
Moving warning bars words between say - This page under etc... - scrolling by Romar Armas 5K
Large white rectangle w/under Construction and flashing light 20K
Construction sign where guy throws dirt over his back 2K
Yellow Black construction bar with moving stripes 9K
Black words -This page under construction- appear progressively on yellow bar 4K
Yellow progressive fill of neon script letters saying Under Construction 68K
Simplistic guy on sign with moving jackhammer 15K
Nice spinning construction sign 5K
Under construction sign with yellow progressive arrow lighting up 3K
Construction Bar with lights flashin yellow, orange, and red 5K
Computer Monitor with construction waves - by Dan Fish 2K

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